October 18, 2013

POLDER 2 - List of Parameters in POLDER "ERB, WV & CLOUDS"

List of Parameters in POLDER "ERB, WV & CLOUDS" level 3 products

The following geophysical parameters are global monthly syntheses computed from all the level 2 products for each superpixel (3x3 pixels).
For details about the calculation of these parameters, see POLDER2 advanced algorithms.

NdaysNumber of days for which POLDER data are available-0-31
NorbNumber of orbits for which POLDER data are available-0-434
Norb-snowNumber of orbits with no snow/ice risk-0-434
Norb-clearNumber of orbits without cloud-0-434
Norb-cloudyNumber of orbits with clouds-0-434
Norb-TAUNumber of orbits for which cloud optical thickness is calculated-0-434
Norb-PoxyNumber of orbits for which cloud Oxygen pressure is calculated-0-434
Norb-PrayNumber of orbits for which cloud Rayleigh pressure is calculated-0-434
Norb-PhaseNumber of orbits for which cloud phase is calculated-0-434
Norb-UH2ONumber of orbits for which total column precipitable water vapor is calculated-0-434
M(µs)Monthly mean of the cosine of solar zenith angle-0-1
M(Avis)Monthly mean of the instantaneous albedo at 670 nm over land and 865 nm over ocean-0-1
TD(Avis)Temporal standard Deviation of the instantaneous albedo at 670/865 nm-0-0.5
M(Avis)clearMonthly mean of the instantaneous albedo at 670/865 nm when the superpixel is declared clear-0-1
TD(Avis)clearTemporal standard Deviation of the instantaneous albedo at 670/865 nm when the superpixel is declared clear-0-0.5
M(Amodel(c=0)vis)Monthly mean of the modeled clear-sky albedo at 670/865 nm, that is independent of POLDER measurements and must not be confused with M(Avis)clear-0-1
M(ASW)Monthly mean of the instantaneous shortwave albedos-0-1
TD(ASW)Temporal standard Deviation of the instantaneous shortwave albedo-0-0.5
M(ASW)clearMonthly mean of the instantaneous shortwave albedo when the superpixel is declared clear-0-1
TD(ASW)clearTemporal standard Deviation of the instantaneous shortwave albedo when the superpixel is declared clear-0-0.5
M(Amodel(c=0)SW)Monthly mean of the modeled clear-sky shortwave albedo, that is independent of POLDER measurements and must not be confused with M(Avis)SW-0-1
M(Finc)Monthly average shortwave incident flux densityW m-²0-1000
M(Frefl)Monthly average shortwave reflected flux density; it must not be confused with the mean of the instantaneous fluxes M(Finc) x M(ASW)W m-²0-1000
M(Frefl)clearMonthly average clear-sky shortwave reflected flux density ; it must not be confused with the mean of the instantaneous fluxes M(Finc) x (ASW)clear nor even less with the mean of the modeled clear-sky flux M(Finc) x M(Amodel(c=0)SW)W m-²0-1000
M(CC)Monthly mean of the cloud cover-0-1
TD(CC)Temporal standard Deviation of the cloud cover-0-1
Monthly mean of the uncertainty on cloud cover related to re-classification-
M(UH2O)Monthly mean of the total column precipitable water vaporg cm-²0-7.5
TD(UH2O)Temporal standard Deviation of the total column precipitable water vaporg cm-²0-7.5
M(Poxy)Monthly mean of the cloud Oxygen pressurehPa0-1200
TD(Poxy)Temporal standard Deviation of the cloud Oxygen pressurehPa0-1200
M(Pray)Monthly mean of the cloud Rayleigh pressurehPa0-1200
TD(Pray)Temporal standard Deviation of the cloud Rayleigh pressurehPa0-1200
M(c)Monthly mean of the cloud optical thickness at 670 nm over land and 865 nm over ocean-0-500
RTD(c)Relative Temporal standard Deviation of the cloud optical thickness at 670/865 nm%0-100
M(c)liquidMonthly mean of the liquid water cloud optical thickness at 670/865 nm-0-500
M(c)iceMonthly mean of the ice cloud optical thickness at 670/865 nm-0-500
M(c)mixedMonthly mean of the mixed-phase cloud optical thickness at 670/865 nm-0-500
M(Sc)Monthly mean of the cloud spherical albedo at 670/865 nm-0-1
TD(Sc)Temporal standard Deviation of the cloud spherical albedo at 670/865 nm-0-1
FREPHASEFrequency of occurrence of cloud phase in 4 classes (1: successful phase determination, 2, 3, 4: among successful determinations, relative frequency of liquid, ice and mixed clouds respectively) [%]%0-100
FRECRYSTALFrequency of occurrence of ice crystal type (currently not available)%0-100

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